The Strategy of Nordic Casemix Centre
The Strategy of the Nordic Casemix Center outlines the plan of actions to achieve our strategic goals by respecting our values. The Strategy is approved by the Nordic Casemix Center´s owners. This version was revised and accepted at the Nordic Casemix Center Board meeting on 30 of November 2023 and is effective for years 2020-2030. The Strategy is revised every three years.
Mission and Vision
Mission: The Nordic Casemix Centre is committed to the ongoing development and maintenance of the NordDRG system working collaboratively with countries that use it. We believe in the strength of collaboration and knowledge exchange to drive advancement of casemix systems and to meet the needs of participating countries to enhance health care quality, transparency and efficiency.
Vision: Casemix systems will continuously have a central role in health care resource use, performance monitoring and benchmarking, and quality follow up across participating countries. The Nordic cooperation will be up-to-date, built on shared Nordic values and based on active collaboration and commitment from all participating countries.
The Nordic Casemix Centre will not actively seek to expand the use of NordDRG system to new countries or organizations. However, we are open to collaboration and knowledge sharing beyond the Nordic countries.
- Openness and transparency
- Trust and mutual respect
- Shared success and customer satisfaction
- Innovativeness and agility
- Environmental friendliness
Operational Casemix Environment is in constant change
The landscape or conditions related to casemix systems are dynamic and subject to ongoing modifications, adjustments, and developments. Changes related to digital technologies, reimbursement policies, primary classifications, use of casemix beyond acute inpatient care, evolvement of health technology, patient -centered care to capture the needs and experiences of patients etc. are all having an impact and increase the need for a continuous adaptation of casemix system.
To follow the changes in health care, the Nordic Casemix Centre:
- communicates proactively with worldwide casemix community
- follows analyses and research of casemix
- performs rapid actions to satisfy customer needs