NordDRG Forum is the communication platform open to everyone interested in keeping track of our work

Access and Content
The NordDRG Forum manages all issues relevant to the NordDRG system updating process. Here you can track the statuses of versions, tasks, cases as well as development initiatives.
The read-only version of the system is available to anyone. Registered members, such as NordDRG Expert Group and Board members, have editing rights.
The Forum sends notification emails to registered members and provides direct access to items that have changed since the previous update.
NordDRG update Proposals
The national organizations in the participating countries are responsible for submitting proposals regarding updates and changes to the NordDRG system. Initially, these proposals are discussed and accepted at the national level before being uploaded to the Forum. Subsequently, the proposals undergo further discussion during Expert Group meetings.

NordDRG update Decisions
The Expert Group recommends updates to the NordDRG system for approval by the Board of the Nordic Casemix Centre.
Changes in the NordDRG system (Combined and national versions) are discussed and decided according to the NordDRG timetable.